Friday, April 14, 2017

The Snow

 As it will fall,
The animals will crawl

Into hibernation,
It's not a good time for vacation

The snowflakes twinkle in the light,
And the snow is very bright

It comes in the winter,
Although the pine trees may give you a splinter

But then there is Christmas,
And you drink that warm cup of Swiss miss

Even though you can't get a tan,
You can build a snowman

And then you are proud of it,
And there it will sit

But then it will melt,
Even though strong feelings you felt

You can catch a snowflake with your tongue,
Then your phone had rung

You hear the words "school cancelled,"

Woo hoo! You shout,
But hey don't get me wrong, some people pout

It's the best time of year,
But when it's all over you will think, "Hey summer is near."


Anonymous said...

This is super cool. You used really awesome description and I loved the rhymes. Fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

It was a good story but some hi light

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