Friday, April 14, 2017

Cat and Mouse

"The box.
The door.
The crumbling brick.
It begged for me to enter."

The distinct sound of gravel on asphalt rung through my ears as I shuffled to the intimidating building. The creaky noises began filling the already tense atmosphere with an ominous aura. Urban exploration had become my everything, never was it intimidating, just…


I guess that's the word to describe it, but I'm peculiar too.

When is an adult in a prideful rainbow cape and red rubber rain boots, standing outside a vacant children's hospital not considered peculiar to some extent? I'll let you answer that yourself.

Being at this facility, I gained a deep sense of dread and I hadn't even entered. It pooled into my stomach and showed itself in my clammy, trembling hands. This never happened.

Am I being watched? I think as chills sliver up my spine engulfing me in a cold sweat.

It's fine, I'm fine, I fail to reassure myself.

As I'm about to open the door I stop to regain my sanity. I guess yoga taught me something useful, even if I only went to three classes.

"It seems that fate has brought us together," I sarcastically express in a raucous voice, I haven't spoken in a long while. My voice has become so harsh. But again, I start to the door handle and creak the emergency exit door open. Entering with immense caution, I stalk down the halls like a predator.

Little did I know, I was the prey.

A game of cat and mouse would soon begin.


Anonymous said...

Nice poem! I like the amazing details in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I love the poem. Amazing creative.

Anonymous said...

Thats great! You explained how cats and mice go through together! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Love it!🤓🤣🤣I like the detales about the cat and the mouse!

Anonymous said...

i love the story or was it a poem

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