Friday, April 21, 2017

Bike Riding

One really nice morning (weekend), my dad had to go to a side job, and my little sister was playing the WII. My mom and I decided to go on a bike ride. We lived in Manitou at the time on Washington Ave., on the top of the hill in the log cabin. The hill was very steep and I couldn't imagine riding a bike down it much less up it! But we decided to ride down it anyway.

Away we went not knowing what would happen. We didn't plan on being somewhere at a specific time, but we were going to go where the road took us. By the time we decided to turn back we were in American the Beautiful park! We turned right back around and when we were half way in old Colorado city it started to rain so hard that it was hurting our skin (During a flash flood). It felt like cold little needles.  We stopped under an awning of a little shop down town. The rain did not stop but we decided to go on our way. I noticed that people were laughing as we passed which got on my nerves.

When we were between old Colorado City and Manitou Springs we lost the trail and had to ride carefully on the side of the road. As cars passed by, their tires splashed us. Like I really noticed because I was already soaked.  I practically went swimming on a bike! By the time we got to Manitou it was dripping with water and it was still raining.  I was soaked to the bone.

We found our way back to the trail by the skate park by the baseball fields. Next we got to where the concrete turned to mud. My bike tires were flinging mud up my back and it became harder to ride because of the gradual incline. We cut through an alley as a short cut to get to the top of Washington Avenue. The alley was even steeper than Washington Avenue itself.  My mom and I forced our way up to the front of our old house.


Anonymous said...

I remember when the flash floods occurred (they were pretty scary). I hate when it rains so hard it's painful to be outside, although the rain is my favorite. This was a really cool piece of writing. I enjoyed the details, it made me feel like I was in the story. Nice job, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a good story. I have a friend that lives on Washington Ave. That hill is huge!!

Anonymous said...

I ride almost every day and about every on of my crashes have been goimg down hill

Anonymous said...

That hill is so big, it must be really hard to bike up, great telling, and keep telling us about your life.

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