Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Things that I hate:

 . the word "MOIST"
. spicy mustard
. broccoli
. people that go four miles an hour on the high way
. people that get 1 inch away and say, " I'm not touching you"
. people that can't get over them selves and walk threw life thinking the world revolves around them. like ha I've got news for you: " IT DOESN'T"
. when someone dabs and thinks they are all that and a bag of chips
. when I walk by the bathroom and hear, " I'm going for distance" its like eewwwww and none cared in the first place you wacko
. when people call me honey
. people being in a group project not doing anything, then blaming me
. the sound of people chewing
. the color pink
. losing an argument
. having homework on the week end or over break
. Gateway Elementary 
. annoying orange
. sexist comments by men

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to this aha. When people say "Im not touching you" drive me crazyyy!

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The Illuminati

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