Taco Bell has never really been just food. Taco Bell can attract people in just a matter of minutes. I mean, that new $5 box was a great improvement. After that, they added a PlayStation VR ( virtual reality) give away. That was mind blowing. Did you even know there is a Star Wars Battlefront game x-wing flyer in VR that you control that has something to do with Rogue One?! That's beside the point. The point is, that I realized that the meaning of life is not to find self enjoyment or help the earth be a better place. None of that hippy dippy baloney. The true meaning of life is to .......................................................... Eat Taco Bell.

From your humor to your story line I didn't know what I liked more. I know I'm attracted to toco bell. Netflix, ice cream and, todos are all I need.....maybe some pizza from time to time. My cousin though she had won one of the greatest head sets and they actually said " you were lied to." She hung up but it was funny to watch. What is your favorite thing at toco bell?
It is so true. That is the meaning of life because if we did not have that then there would be no life
Very funny. I loved how you used a line from The Lego Movie. I eat at Taco Bell a lot and it is pretty good.
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