He did it for himself.
An act, that when being viewed from an exterior perspective
would seem selfless.
But I know him.
His persona is one of smoke and mirrors.
He does his job,
not for what it means,
not for the cash.
He does it for self validation.
He married his wife,
not for love,
but because he needed to fit in with his brothers.
He changed the world,
not to better it,
not to worsen it.
He did it for himself.
He does not live,
he does not laugh,
he does not love,
and he does not let his feelings be known.
This man is poisoned!
Tainted with the ideas he must uphold
and the standards he must meet.
His wife does not know,
nor his son,
nor his daughter.
They know not of the pain,
nor the strife.
They know not of his happiness,
his pleasure,
his pride.
But I do.
Friday, February 3, 2017
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Sad and interesting
This poem is deep and interesting. It is full of thought and emotion. The words of it make the reader wonder about "it".
This is a poem that has a lot of emotion behind it, I absolutely love it! It's somthing complex, but many people can still relate to it.
I love this and can really feel the pain of this man who is not truly living. Amazing.
This is a cool poem, that left me with a bit to think about. I especially like where you said, "His persona is of smoke and mirrors" and I thought it sort of made "him" seem more mysterious and interesting.
I loved how you are the only person who knows what he is really doing. How did you find out and not his kids and wife? Who is he?
Wow ~ I'm wondering what(or who) he is hiding from; and if he realizes that he's missing so much by his inability to truly connect...very poignant.
Incredibly deep and thoughtful. I love how you can make us seem to understand the man without telling us much about him.
This was amazing. I liked how deep it was. When I first looked at it I was lik, nope the is too long. The I read the beginning of it and I couldn't stop. Great job on being specific and good job on really thinking about what is next and how well it is going to go together.
What an amazing poem. I love it! It's deep and true.
What an amazing poem. I love it! It's deep and true.
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