Friday, October 14, 2016

The Review of the Future

We must be down grading, ever since the new Tphone aka the taco phone came out . It seems we've just gone back many years. I mean you need to get an adapter (dongle) just to put in headphones. Why can't I listen to hard shell the taco of bells without spending an extra five dollars?! Not only do you need to buy an adapter (dongle) but you also need internet for Taco Bell( the documentary).


The only thing that actually is popular and works is the Samsung Galaxy T aka the Samsung Galaxy taco. The phone comes with tvr ( taco virtual reality). The Samsung Galaxy T has a lot of games for   t. v. r. Like blindness simulator (it's really realistic). Bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was that. Shot it was the Samsung Galaxy T it exploded well I guess there is no good phone they all are bad. The rest is also stupid if you want to know more get a life, or keep reading my blogs. I would get a life but I already have one.


Anonymous said...

how much do they cost and i want one

Anonymous said...

I could take it to the secret goverment place email me

Anonymous said...

oh and my email is 123456789@timmytimmysatonachiar

Anonymous said...

How much for this phone, I was planning to get it but didn't know what phone to get. The I-Phone 7 is a rip off and I don't want the s7 edge because I don't want to lose an ear. So I thought this was just perfect for me! I hope you tell me soon!


Your number one customer,

Post of the Day

The Illuminati

The Illuminati is a secret organization that's secret and has giraffes. But what if somebody where to go to Taco Bell to get tacos and...