(This is a preview of my work in progress story. I of corse have more than this but this is a stable preview. Without spoiling anything)
A gentle smooth breeze gracefully wafted from the clouds, and calm jade grass swayed at the distubence. A short, red haired woman stood up from the grass. Her posture was sturdy but as the sun hid at the horizon she seemingly melted to the ground. Her knees rested on soft grass leaving a slight green residue on her legs, and her thin hands cupped her eyes. Tears rested in the bowl of the woman's palms before seeping through her fingers and falling like rain. The sun was no longer in view and the sky was a lavender color. Another tall figure entered, her hair a matted blonde tangle at the nape of her neck. She kneeled down and brought her finger the short woman's chin, raising it slightly. The red haired woman's eyes where puffy and red with tears now as she gained volume in her cries. The blonde woman grew worried and tried to hush the other to no avail. Her cries soon diminished into silent hiccups, bouncing her red ringlets. She pressed into the other woman's chest hugging her waist for comfort.
This is going to be a nice story!! Can wait to reed the rest of it.
I love the vocabulary!
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